Friday, August 5, 2016

A Thank You for the support and an Update.

We felt that is was time for an update on the "what and where has Team Lupine Racing been". We first would like to thank all the support we have gotten from everyone. Last year we had a very full schedule and while we were pretty happy with how the season went, we fell short at USARA Nationals due to an early injury.

 Most of you may know what happened to JZ at nationals last year
three hours in but lets just say it is still a thorn in his knee. He gave it threw the winter to heal up and as he started getting back into training the pain flared up quite intense. After an MRI and some ultra sound the Dr's found a partial tear on the patella tendon. He went threw treatment for that an weeks of PT. Nearing the end of that in June they found something was still not quite right and went in for another look and notice there was some cartilage damage behind the kneecap from the impact. So in July that was treated and now he is again going threw recovery for that. All of you that know him, you can only imagine how antsy he has been, revisiting old hobbies of video games and weaving para cord to keep him sane while chair bound for those weeks. He will be back and as he says "look out 2017, grab the tow and hold on"

And no the picture is not blurry it was just that crappy out...

Bone marrow aspiration from the hip bone.

The Doctors wanted to see just how well the human body can heal itself. so the poking and prodding of PRP and Stem cell treatments began. So far so good, just another reason the body is and amazing machine.

Now Rick....ohhh Rick. Early July on a routine road ride he came to a semi shaded section of road and hit an uneven section of road at about 20 mph causing him to go over hard on his bike. the only thing that he remembers is waking up in the middle of the road looking at on coming traffic, thinking "if they don't see me I am dead". lucky for him the first car that got to him was a nurse. So after a ride in the van with sparkly lights he woke up in ICU. Finding he had suffered quite the ordeal, and if this was a competition he has JZ well beat him! from Rick FB page "Yep. This is what happens when your on an unfamiliar section of road, and your bicycle tire hits a uneven section of pavement. 7 broken ribs, one of which punctured a lung. (Good thing I had a spare lung!) I was wearing a helmut but still took some road rash to the head. Surgery tomorrow morning to put the clavicle back together. Looks like I'll be setting off the metal detectors in airports for the foreseeable future."  He was so doped up at times when we talked to him he truly thought the young Nurses were hitting on him. So at that point we knew he was going to be fine. Speedy recovery to both of you.

The rest of the team has been injury free and are achieving great things. We are taking this time to iron out the 2017 team and working hard on recovery and support the rest of the team as the season goes on. Maybe just maybe Rick and Jason might take on a late season event to stretch there legs.

Thank you all for the support and We want to let all those Race Directors know that we truly miss your races and all the work you put into them. Adventure Racing is our drug and we now know what withdraws are like.

We would also like to thank all the great support we get from Lupine Lighting system, Salomon, Suunto, Hammer Nutrition, Zeal Optics, and Out There USA. Thanks for sticking with us..means a ton.