These awesome refreshing treats will cool you down after a hot work out. Sometimes you want more than just a recovery drink but not something as heavy as food. This hits the spot. You can use any fruit you want, that is your natural sugar.
You do need a small funnel to use to fill the plastic Popsicle sleeves. Blend in your blender to a smooth texture, let some of the air bubbles settle if you can prior to filling the sleeves. Fill and freeze. Enjoy!
Hammer Recoverite, Honey and Fruit
Team Lupine loves racing, whether it is adventure racing, mountain bike racing, trail marathons, or an orienteering event, our pursuit of adventure is limitless. We seek adventures because it excites, rewards, exhilarates, and awakens something within us that stretches our minds, bodies, and spirits to the edges of our human potential and beyond. Most importantly, we support, encourage, and believe in our fellow teammates, as we rise by lifting each other. We invite you to join in our journeys.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
VENUS de Miles 100 Road Ride 2015
Saturday Aug 22, 2015, Colorado
The start of the ride I felt really crowded and a little scary as some rode pretty close to one another and others not holding lines in the turns. I backed off a bit to let the field spread out and it did. Got to the first aid station at mile 23.3(Eagle Spirit Alpaca Farm) Yes, there were 10 plus alpacas in a large field just staring at us. LOL I grabbed a banana and checked my water, Im good. Back on the bike I
THANK YOU Hammer you fueled me the whole time. Thank you Zeal for protecting my eyes from the blazing sun, forever grateful. Hoooooo! Now get out and play. Chase your dreams people!
Monday, September 7, 2015
The RETURN to Pikes Peak Marathon 2015
Pikes Peak Marathon
Recap - Sunday Aug 16, 2015
Arguably, the hardest marathon in North America and not one
I ever look forward too. But it had been
a few years since my pathetic past performance at this marathon, and it was a
chance to get together with old teammates, whom I had done Primal Quest with
back in 2003.
Training is always tough for this marathon, as living and
training for me at 650 feet above sea
level really doesn't prepare oneself for a marathon that starts in Manito
Springs, elevation about 6,800. Of
course that's just the start, as one has to run up the Barr trail, at an
average grade of 11.5% to above 14,000 feet.
Then one must then turn around and run down to the finish. Footing is treacherous, and I have always
managed to take at least one good spill coming down (usually several). The finish line has its share of running
wounded, and they have a nice triage tent set up where the first thing they do
is spray your wounds down with Betadine.
I flew into Denver, where Michele, a good friend and adventure racing team mate
for years lives. Dan, my other teammate flew in a day later. We all drove up to Manitou Springs for the
pre race registration, and checked into a motel right across from the race
start. The race is capped at 800
runners, and most seem to be from the area of Manitou Springs, Colorado Springs, or other higher elevation

Our wave was off, and the 1st mile is through Manitou
Springs, on roads with gradual elevation gain until it passes the Cogs Railway
and onto a spur trail that will get us to Barr trail. Things get a little steep here, and the
physical absurdity makes most experienced normal people start walking. My heart rate was hovering near my self imposed limit, and I adjusted my
pace accordingly, backing my pace down when my heart rate got to high. I had written down the aide station locations
and mileages to make the ascent portion more of a series of milestones, and not
one big ascent. Occasionally I got hung
up in some slower groups, and passing is sometimes next to impossible until the
trail widens up. I was feeling strong,
and even above treeline, found myself passing
where I could.
I normally go into
an altitude coma around 12,000' where I have serious trouble thinking (not to
mention breathing) but I was feeling great almost all the way to the summit and
turn-around. Michele and Dan whom were
ahead and now on the decent (runners coming down have to pass the runners
coming up, which makes for some pretty close calls) Both passed me (Michele,
ahead of Dan, which goes to show you that Michele living and training at
altitude was a benefit for her!) I hit
the summit turn around, and looked for Michele's husband whom was going to hand
me a pair of biking gloves to use on the
downhill when I fell. Cripes, he was
nowhere to be seen, so I started down knowing that when I fell, I was going to lose
some skin on my hands. The next few
miles down is a challenge as you get caught up in runners going uphill, as well
as downhill runners that do well on the uphill, but are a bit timid to open it
up on the descent. About treeline I was
able to open it up, and pass at will except when it was really rocky. So far, I had not taken a spill, although a couple people
whom were running at my pace and we were talking... went down. I hung around till they got up and said they
were okay, but they backed their pace down and I never saw them again.
The field really thins out on the descent, and you only see
one or two people ahead of you through the forever series of switchbacks. I was
feeling pretty strong until about 3 miles from the end, when I hit my
wall. The temperature was starting to
warm up, which may have been a factor. Strange
how you can be running down hill, and hit the wall. But your actually braking with your quads on
the descent, so it's not like your actually getting a free ride down. I have
always said that the downhill is more punishing on your legs then the
ascent. With about 1 mile to go, you break out of the
trail by the Cogs rail way, and it's a mile to the finish line on the road....
down a grade. Now my feet were feeling
really good till now, but with each foot impact on the hard road, I knew it was
going to cost me a toenail or two at the end.
But if you run marathons, or adventure race that is usually a common
occurrence. I was actually starting to
suffer, and was passed by a few people on the road section. But the curve in the road was there, and I
knew the finish line was just around the bend.
Sucking it up, I made my finish look strong, but it came with a price of
just about collapsing into the arms of a volunteer. I was ushered to the a chair to sit down for
a few minutes while I held a bag of ice to my neck. After a few minutes, I was fine enough to
walk out of the finishers tent and find Dan and Michele. Michele, finished about 6:29, Dan about 6:45,
and I finished at 6:50. Not my Personal
best, which was 6:29 but that was when I was 44 back in 2002. Let me tell you, I was quite happy with my time this year, as
back in 2002 I had altitude sickness so bad, I suffered beyond my ability to
describe here.
So, Michele, Dan and I walked across the street and cooled
our legs off in a mountain stream. I
have to admit I really enjoyed the
challenge, and we talked that we will come back in 2017 and do it again. Now I just have to think how to get some
altitude training in....
The 60th running of the Pikes Peak Marathon was held on
Sunday August 16 2015. The Ascent race,
where runners run to the top and finish, is held on the Saturday before. (They are bussed down) The field is limited
to about 1600 starts for the ascent, and 800 for the marathon. You need to have a qualifying time to
register, and they are serious about this.
People lose their registration fee, and get banned from future races for
trying to pull stuff. If you're
interested in this race, check out their website at
Friday, July 17, 2015
EROCK Sunrise to Sunset 2015, PWild Solo Female Mt Bike Race
EROCK chewed me up and attempted to spit me out, but I fought my way to the finish!
After missing out on a podium finish in last years Sunrise to Sunset and placing 4th, I had to sign up for a serious comeback in 2015. A new year also brought a new race venue at The Philip S. Miller Park in Castle Rock, Colorado. A pre-ride of the course a few weeks prior to the race set my mind at ease as I was able to identify some of the more technical sections, some sandy turns, low vegetation, and tree hang-ups. I only wish I would have ridden the course in the correct direction J
Race day arrived with an early mass starting lineup, cycle cross style at 8:00 am sharp. Our estimated finish time would be 7pm with each lap course being 7 miles long.
At the start we ran our bikes about 100 feet up trail to a set of orange cones, then jumped on, and began to peddle. The trail bottlenecked into an amazing single-track climb and since it had rained the night before I was treated to some tacky hero dirt wonderfulness.
I was movin my first two laps! My chain skipped a little out of tune on the start of my third lap, so I jumped off and ran, carrying my bike to the top to fix my gearing. Dirty from chain lube, I proceeded onward only to be met with some debilitating quad cramps on the climb. I could see my quad contraction under the skin like an alien attempting to escape its host in a science fiction movie. Motionless, I massaged my leg as I watched others suffering, walking their bikes to the top of the climb. Once the contractions subsided, I was back on the bike and eager to see the next transition area (TA) for an electrolyte fix!
Jason was at the TA ready and waiting to load me up on electrolytes and some much needed pickle juice. Yeah, you heard me right, pickle juice. Off I went on lap 4, which turns out to have been my slowest lap. I was behind the cramping 8-ball at this point, so it was mind over matter time. Chatting out loud, I talked my way through the rest of the race, certain the other riders thought I was delirious with my own banter. My plan was to double up on electrolytes and pickle juice, walk the 3 climbs and ride the downhills as fast as I could to make up time. This rest time on the climbs paid off, lap 5 and 6 flew past.
It was time to put the hammer down #howihammer for lap 7 and 8. Fighting back the tears of pain, thoughts of self-doubt began to surface as I heard the race director say, due to poor weather conditions no one else would be permitted out on course. The cooler temperatures, light drizzle of rain and encouraging words from a fellow rider washed my doubt away. I got my second wind, hero dirt beneath my feet, and the lightning in the sky, I was energized, a little adrenaline at this point was just what I needed.
Water dripped from my helmet as the rain came pouring down in buckets. Jason shoved ravioli and more electrolytes in my mouth as he pushed me out on course, yelling, “push it!” I thought stubbornly, “I feel better than I did 4 laps ago”.
Delirious as to time and place I flew over jumps on laps 9 and 10, laughing out loud and yelling some expletives. Finishing before the cut off time with little time to spare, I completed 10 laps. “I DID IT,” I thought. I didn’t even care what place I was in, Jason never would tell me my results until its official. What a great sense of accomplishment, to do what few others dare to attempt.
It turns out I placed second in the solo female category! Continue giving it all you got and we’ll see ya out there!
Run, Row, Rock & Roll, Nebraska 12 HR
Run, Row, Rock, and Roll 2015
The Race Report:
RRRR took place with the start in Fairbury, Nebraska. We arrived after a 7 1/2 hour drive at about 4pm. Check in was 5 to 7, where you got almost everything you needed (maps,number,clue sheet). There where 31 points to plot and as it looked from plotting we had a 30 min drive to the bike drop in the morning and much to JZ's enjoyment..."a freaking bus drive to the start". We wake up at 4:15am get our gear together and head out to the remote bike drop/start/TA. Got that taken care of and headed back to get a quick breakfast before we had to go to the bus pick up/finish which was at the wellness center at the hospital. So on bus to take a second trip down to the start.
The start was located at a small lake which was separated by a causeway for a road about 2/3rds of the way up the lake. At the start gun teams had there option of doing the paddle or the trek to start. We went with the paddle first(Section 2). Reason being it was very humid and we thought it would allow the tall grass to dry and not be as wet and more packed down for quicker moving. Only about 10 teams decided to do the paddle first. So it was a lot of saying hi to our friends Boom Boom Pow, Shakenbake and another 3 person coed we found out later was NYARA. This consisted of 7 points(In Order) and four portages over the causeway, each time they checked your passport to make sure you didn't punch out of order.
were strangely wrapped to the other side of trees out of site, most likely not how they were set (not nice, but it will take more then that to slow us down). It got hot out pretty quick and we tried to keep up on fluids, the race director did have water on parts of the course. (thank you!) We only refilled when we were OUT. That came up twice in just 12 hours, hot! The heat was setting in and as the team was pushing JZ needed a mind break and Pwild stepped up and helped out. JZ ate some jerky, we walked some and then he snapped out of it after PWild said a few colorful words. Then it was on like donkey kong. We also got followed by a dog for miles during this section, ate up by mosquitoes, and trekked threw waist high poison ivy. Almost as bad as Wisconsin. Ok maybe not that bad. JZ nailed the rest of the O section, running back to the TA to transition to bikes. So glade to see our bikes. JZ changed shoes, while PWild checked in with the Volunteers again, then he helped her pack her shoes away while she changed into bike shoes. And OFF on the bike section(Section 3).
At the start of the race, the race director said this section may change but will let us know when we got there. So we had no idea what we were going to be doing. As we arrived at TA 3 along the river we saw single kayaks. The volunteer said one of us would paddle up river to the bridge, the other would run down the path to the bridge. Teammates would punch the punch at the bridge and exchange places and arrive back at TA 3. The water was moving pretty fast and JZ said I'll paddle up stream, as PWild took off down the path running. Both in bike shoes still. It started to rain and that felt good after a long hot day. PWild made it to the bridge and spent a few minutes looking for the CP as she couldn't remember what side of the bridge it was on. Plenty of time as it took JZ some time to get up river. Looking for a good place to exchange with JZ, the banks of the river were like quick sand, full of bugs, and tons of washed out wood logs from the floods. Couldn't get out of that river fish smell, fast enough. Why every AR river seems to smell I have no idea, you know the smell! :) PWild jumped in the kayak, with some instructions on how to stay away from the “hard current” from JZ was off. Scared but off! JZ ran back the same way PWild came up the trail. The Volunteer was so kind to help PWild with the boat MUD RAMP out of the river he about tipped her over right in it. Muddy and wet but it stopped raining now we jumped on our bikes to collect one more CP back to the finish. Pushing hard to the finish as we always try to, the race was complete! The volunteers took our crumpled up dirty passport and told us about the food inside and showers. Thank you!
Coming in HOT |

We Showered up, ate and enjoy the we were happy to take away a 1st Place in the 2 Coed Division, and the prize for neatest stack on the team challenge. We are still wondering what that light was for.
Monday, July 13, 2015
UOG -ULTRA O-GAIN 24HR Orienteering Race, Buffalo Creek Colorado 2015
ULTRA O-Gain(Rogaine) Orienteering Race
Buffalo Creek Colorado
July 3-4, Friday Night start at 8pm.
We were really excited to see a 24 Orienteering Race in our own back yard! We signed up right away! Having work off on Friday July 3rd was great allowing for plenty of time to get to check in at 6pm. We arrived to a remote start/finish location (camp site) in Buffalo Creek area. We decided not to camp as we live only 1hr and 30 minutes away, we did bring sleeping bags for after if we were tired to rest before driving home. We checked in, chowed our dinner and were ready to receive the Map only to find out they would not be handed out til 7:30 or until everyone is checked in. So we went back to the car and got ready so that when we did get the maps we just had to take care of the route planning and we were off. At 7:30 we got our 1:24,000 maps. The rules and gear list were very detailed that there were no questions at the pre race meeting. With 41 CP's (all different point values), 1983 Map with 1/24 scale with deceleration of 8.5.
JZ quickly highlighted all the points greater than 50 on the map in one color, 49-20 in another color and 20 less than in another color. JZ planned the route getting most of the high point values and picking up ones in between. Leaving some around the start finish based on time at the end of the race. It was a very informal and relaxed start of 8:00 pm. Even thought the race was unsupported you could come back to your car at anytime during the 24 hours for anything. We planned to not return to the start/finish until 24 hours was up.
We took off at 8:03 working the course in a clockwise direction. The first 5 hours we picked off cp's with ease after some major bushwhack climbing (and lots of side hilling) on boulders that at one point felt unsafe. Taking a barring from 27 to 76(big campfire here and they asked if we were in the amazing race lol) to 40, almost to 40 we turned around to take a look at the view and WOW! Amazing! The terrain was rocky, some nasty yucca plants that went right thru fabric, and a ton of freaking foxtails that stuck to socks and gaiters and don't like to let go. JZ had issues of these going thru the vents on the toes of his Salomon Fell Raisers as these great shoes that vent well turn into foxtail pin cushions (a strip of duct tape across the front would have helped but we had none) so he pushed threw until we were out of the area and then removed them.
Lots of mountain sand and not much shade from the sun about half the course was in the burned out area from the Buffalo Creek Fire on May 18, 1996. This area is amazing because its like being on different planets as the topography and vegetation changes. (do you see the cp next to the boulder at the bottom of the photo?) Tons of Climbing and bouldering took a toll on PWilds Insole to the point it started to cut the back of her left heal. Mole skin did not help so she took the Insole out and did the rest of the race with out one in her left shoe. Not recovering very well this took a turn and slowed the team down the rest of the 10 hours. She was not happy as she felt good otherwise. Getting her poles out she pushed on.
Temps got into the 80's during the day and 45ish at night. At one point the sleep monsters took over around 330 am and PWild had to rest her eyes for 20 minutes as we were up for 34 hours by this point. Laying right on the trail side by side to stay warm. We ended up putting our rain jackets on for a couple hours late night/early morning just to keep the chill off. The sun came up quickly and we were re-leaved! The CPs did have a piece of reflective tape on them, not traditional O Flags, they were white plastic PVC pipes. Will talk about the 3CPS that gave us trouble.
CP 55
We spent an hour and half at this CP before moving on. Yea too much time, but ya just don't ever want to leave one. The rest of the CPs we have found before this one were dead on with pace count, barrings and clues. So we thought it has to be here. We counted in ran across a pile of boulders but searched and searched but did not see the control. So we check the surrounding piles up and down the spur.....Nothing......
This was the second CP that gave us difficulty. We attacked off the gate again and counted in (we were not having much luck with gates today). . We scoured the surrounding area's and still no luck. Time spent...had to let it go. Ouch to leave 80 points.
This was the third CP that gave us difficulty. We did not see the trail continue on the other side of the creek and things were pretty Steep in this area. So we elected due to time to leave it. (Later talking to Mark that is did pick up a bit down stream, but 67 was still a tough one to find)
We want to thank Patrick the Race director for putting on a challenging race. It was a great design as controls were well places and the descriptions were good. Now there were some tricky points which we shared above that if you didn't approach from the right direction you apparently will have a hard time or spend extra time pinpointing the point. We hope this is a normal race and the parks department helps support our sport as this could help show how much we love the area and enjoy Colorado.
It was great to catch up with some old friends and make some new ones during this race. The family is closer then you know and we enjoy that about our sport. We Finished the Day with as the 2nd place team and 6th overall.
Buffalo Creek Colorado
We were really excited to see a 24 Orienteering Race in our own back yard! We signed up right away! Having work off on Friday July 3rd was great allowing for plenty of time to get to check in at 6pm. We arrived to a remote start/finish location (camp site) in Buffalo Creek area. We decided not to camp as we live only 1hr and 30 minutes away, we did bring sleeping bags for after if we were tired to rest before driving home. We checked in, chowed our dinner and were ready to receive the Map only to find out they would not be handed out til 7:30 or until everyone is checked in. So we went back to the car and got ready so that when we did get the maps we just had to take care of the route planning and we were off. At 7:30 we got our 1:24,000 maps. The rules and gear list were very detailed that there were no questions at the pre race meeting. With 41 CP's (all different point values), 1983 Map with 1/24 scale with deceleration of 8.5.
JZ quickly highlighted all the points greater than 50 on the map in one color, 49-20 in another color and 20 less than in another color. JZ planned the route getting most of the high point values and picking up ones in between. Leaving some around the start finish based on time at the end of the race. It was a very informal and relaxed start of 8:00 pm. Even thought the race was unsupported you could come back to your car at anytime during the 24 hours for anything. We planned to not return to the start/finish until 24 hours was up.
We took off at 8:03 working the course in a clockwise direction. The first 5 hours we picked off cp's with ease after some major bushwhack climbing (and lots of side hilling) on boulders that at one point felt unsafe. Taking a barring from 27 to 76(big campfire here and they asked if we were in the amazing race lol) to 40, almost to 40 we turned around to take a look at the view and WOW! Amazing! The terrain was rocky, some nasty yucca plants that went right thru fabric, and a ton of freaking foxtails that stuck to socks and gaiters and don't like to let go. JZ had issues of these going thru the vents on the toes of his Salomon Fell Raisers as these great shoes that vent well turn into foxtail pin cushions (a strip of duct tape across the front would have helped but we had none) so he pushed threw until we were out of the area and then removed them.
Lots of mountain sand and not much shade from the sun about half the course was in the burned out area from the Buffalo Creek Fire on May 18, 1996. This area is amazing because its like being on different planets as the topography and vegetation changes. (do you see the cp next to the boulder at the bottom of the photo?) Tons of Climbing and bouldering took a toll on PWilds Insole to the point it started to cut the back of her left heal. Mole skin did not help so she took the Insole out and did the rest of the race with out one in her left shoe. Not recovering very well this took a turn and slowed the team down the rest of the 10 hours. She was not happy as she felt good otherwise. Getting her poles out she pushed on.
CP 55
We spent an hour and half at this CP before moving on. Yea too much time, but ya just don't ever want to leave one. The rest of the CPs we have found before this one were dead on with pace count, barrings and clues. So we thought it has to be here. We counted in ran across a pile of boulders but searched and searched but did not see the control. So we check the surrounding piles up and down the spur.....Nothing......
This was the third CP that gave us difficulty. We did not see the trail continue on the other side of the creek and things were pretty Steep in this area. So we elected due to time to leave it. (Later talking to Mark that is did pick up a bit down stream, but 67 was still a tough one to find)
We want to thank Patrick the Race director for putting on a challenging race. It was a great design as controls were well places and the descriptions were good. Now there were some tricky points which we shared above that if you didn't approach from the right direction you apparently will have a hard time or spend extra time pinpointing the point. We hope this is a normal race and the parks department helps support our sport as this could help show how much we love the area and enjoy Colorado.
PWild and JZ feeeling the heat in the burn zone. |
We had to Treat the water we added in our Source Water bladders. Yes, that is a dead mesquite larvae so close to extra protein. |
She moves so fast that she is blurry, Paulette showed up too. on right is Teresa, Marks better half of course. |
It was great to catch up with some old friends and make some new ones during this race. The family is closer then you know and we enjoy that about our sport. We Finished the Day with as the 2nd place team and 6th overall.
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