Run, Row, Rock, and Roll 2015
The Race Report:
RRRR took place with the start in Fairbury, Nebraska. We arrived after a 7 1/2 hour drive at about 4pm. Check in was 5 to 7, where you got almost everything you needed (maps,number,clue sheet). There where 31 points to plot and as it looked from plotting we had a 30 min drive to the bike drop in the morning and much to JZ's enjoyment..."a freaking bus drive to the start". We wake up at 4:15am get our gear together and head out to the remote bike drop/start/TA. Got that taken care of and headed back to get a quick breakfast before we had to go to the bus pick up/finish which was at the wellness center at the hospital. So on bus to take a second trip down to the start.
The start was located at a small lake which was separated by a causeway for a road about 2/3rds of the way up the lake. At the start gun teams had there option of doing the paddle or the trek to start. We went with the paddle first(Section 2). Reason being it was very humid and we thought it would allow the tall grass to dry and not be as wet and more packed down for quicker moving. Only about 10 teams decided to do the paddle first. So it was a lot of saying hi to our friends Boom Boom Pow, Shakenbake and another 3 person coed we found out later was NYARA. This consisted of 7 points(In Order) and four portages over the causeway, each time they checked your passport to make sure you didn't punch out of order.
were strangely wrapped to the other side of trees out of site, most likely not how they were set (not nice, but it will take more then that to slow us down). It got hot out pretty quick and we tried to keep up on fluids, the race director did have water on parts of the course. (thank you!) We only refilled when we were OUT. That came up twice in just 12 hours, hot! The heat was setting in and as the team was pushing JZ needed a mind break and Pwild stepped up and helped out. JZ ate some jerky, we walked some and then he snapped out of it after PWild said a few colorful words. Then it was on like donkey kong. We also got followed by a dog for miles during this section, ate up by mosquitoes, and trekked threw waist high poison ivy. Almost as bad as Wisconsin. Ok maybe not that bad. JZ nailed the rest of the O section, running back to the TA to transition to bikes. So glade to see our bikes. JZ changed shoes, while PWild checked in with the Volunteers again, then he helped her pack her shoes away while she changed into bike shoes. And OFF on the bike section(Section 3).
At the start of the race, the race director said this section may change but will let us know when we got there. So we had no idea what we were going to be doing. As we arrived at TA 3 along the river we saw single kayaks. The volunteer said one of us would paddle up river to the bridge, the other would run down the path to the bridge. Teammates would punch the punch at the bridge and exchange places and arrive back at TA 3. The water was moving pretty fast and JZ said I'll paddle up stream, as PWild took off down the path running. Both in bike shoes still. It started to rain and that felt good after a long hot day. PWild made it to the bridge and spent a few minutes looking for the CP as she couldn't remember what side of the bridge it was on. Plenty of time as it took JZ some time to get up river. Looking for a good place to exchange with JZ, the banks of the river were like quick sand, full of bugs, and tons of washed out wood logs from the floods. Couldn't get out of that river fish smell, fast enough. Why every AR river seems to smell I have no idea, you know the smell! :) PWild jumped in the kayak, with some instructions on how to stay away from the “hard current” from JZ was off. Scared but off! JZ ran back the same way PWild came up the trail. The Volunteer was so kind to help PWild with the boat MUD RAMP out of the river he about tipped her over right in it. Muddy and wet but it stopped raining now we jumped on our bikes to collect one more CP back to the finish. Pushing hard to the finish as we always try to, the race was complete! The volunteers took our crumpled up dirty passport and told us about the food inside and showers. Thank you!
Coming in HOT |

We Showered up, ate and enjoy the we were happy to take away a 1st Place in the 2 Coed Division, and the prize for neatest stack on the team challenge. We are still wondering what that light was for.
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